Adam turned two in June, and we decided to keep things low-key since I was still pretty occupied with Elliott. I was glad my mom was here to help us celebrate. Out-of-town grandparents don't always get to experience birthdays. We took Adam and Avery and a friend of mine and her kids to the Botanical Gardens. I wish I took more pictures, but we were a bit busy chasing around six kids under the age of three and a half. It was a very fun and very busy morning.

Enjoying the WOW gardens water area
I made these little baseball cupcakes (thanks, Heather, for the inspiration!) since Adam is crazy obsessed with the sport. We opened up presents and skyped my Dad and Paul's parents. I'm still not sure Adam knew what was happening, but it was fun. Paul called him the morning of his birthday (he had to leave early for work) and said "Happy Birthday, Buddy". Adam replied, "Happy Birthday to you!"
The baseball cupcakes
Daddy and his oldest boy
Adam needed a lot of help opening up his presents
Enjoying his brand new lawn mower
The next day we headed to a baseball game. Adam was enthralled. He wouldn't look at the camera just in case he missed a moment of action. And to be honest, there was no action. The game was rained out. He had a blast just being there, though, enjoying baseball footage on the big screen and watching the rain fall on the field. I can't imagine how excited he'll be when he gets to see the players run onto the field. I'll definitely take pictures of that!
My Red Sox fan (sorry, Paul, maybe Elliott will like the Braves)
I wanted to take a picture of Adam and Paul, but little guy couldn't keep his eyes off the field. It was so sweet!