In case you're wondering what that is, it's my daughter's hair on Saturday morning. My girl has a serious mohawk. Actually, it's really a mullet. It's full on the top, tight on the sides, and long in the back. But I don't want to embarrass her too much, especially considering her Southern heritage. (For what it's worth, I don't think Paul ever had a mullet. But if he did and I'm missing out on those pictures, cough 'em up, people.) We'll just call it a mohawk. It's usually the highest the day after a bath, and Saturday was no exception. It takes a good three or four days to settle down to a somewhat normal hairdo, which means it sticks out to the side, not just straight up. I don't bother brushing her hair, but I do keep meaning to add a bow - Pebbles style.
I think I'll be sad when she's grows out of her punk rock stage. Her hair has some serious personality.
I love her fabulous hair! I think that's what they call 'body'. I have NO doubt that I'll soon be very envious of my little niece's beautiful hair!!
She is so precious. Hair is such a wispy thing when you are 4 months old. Wait until she is old enough to realize it could be a problem. For now, enjoy ever little quirky strand. It's georgous.
aww- I remember Rieds hair sticking straight up--It wasnt as long though, but still so sweet! funny babes!
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